Looking up the light in the ever changing sky gives me hope. Walking around the cliffs of the wild sea, though it’s raining and spotting sea creatures calms my mind.

Your Poppa sounds like he was an amazing person. Also I agree with darling j, you are a writer.

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Oh I love that Susan!! Looking up at light in the sky, in daylight, through interesting clouds or a even starlit night is beautifully hopeful. Thank you so much xx

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Thank you for this, Bron! I found it so helpful to start thinking about what feels like lightness to me. Movement does...walking and dancing. Putting my body in water and being buoyed that way. And, as you said, laughter. Even if it comes from a silly TV show, laughter always helps to lighten things for me.

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I love all these Jenna!! I can definitely relate to having a good boogie and being in water, it reminds me how comforting I found swimming during pregnancy, but throughout my life I've always been a water baby. I'd add cycling too, as close to I imagine what it feels like to take flight. Wonderful... thank you so much!! xx

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