Sep 25, 2023Liked by Bron Marshall

Yesterday in my city garden I heard a sound of a bird that is one I know from being in native bush, it’s song connects me to places away from city life. I’ve never heard it here before, and I wish I could be sure what type of bird it is. Perhaps a tūī but I’m not sure if that’s really possible where I live. It was magic to hear, I looked to find it but wasn’t able to spot it. It was a moment of magic. Xx

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How wonderful! I absolutely love hearing our native birds too. I really miss tūī from growing up in Southland. We occasionally hear korimako / bellbirds out here, especially up in the gum trees. Perhaps that was it. xx

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Bron Marshall

I’ve just googled and I’m certain you’re right, it was a korimako! We are lucky that we have a gathering of big trees around us, and the odd avian visitor that surprises us.

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Ah that makes sense, I think the korimako especially like a high canopy, they're very hard to spot. We had one visit our deck a few years ago, most amazing black beak and red eye. 💓

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Oh my gosh, thank you for the mention, Bron! 🥰🥰🥰 What a delightful surprise that was! I really love that quote from your friend about the world being their altar. That resonates so much with me. And (this is veering off topic) I believe each of us is the living altar for our ancestors. So, altars everywhere! 😁 Also, that it is one of the most magnificent hag stones I've ever seen! Really marvelous!

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Oh it is my pleasure Jenna, totally!! I really love what you share here on Substack. I agree we are living altars and can choose to share, display and convey many wonderful and different things... so not so off topic I think, just a different perspective. To me altars are a collection of ideas to celebrate, create and manifest abundance, not always in a physical sense. Thank you so much!! xx Oh I've had this hagstone for years, but funnily only this year did it unlock it's scrying ability... after reading a wonderful memoir I was drawn to it again and it's magic. xx

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