I love reading about spring on your beautiful side of the world. And your photo is so inspiring and rich that I can see it as a painting!!!

This part — “I despair when I see Halloween decorations in Spring, and folks on social media locally getting excited about Starbucks unseasonal and alien to me offerings. It makes absolutely no sense to me” It resonates so much because I’m also seeing this in the shops here and I couldn’t agree more. Plus, I refuse to support Starbucks but that’s another story for another time ☺️

Lovely to read all the summer shares from everyone else 🌻

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Thank you Susan, oh I would love to see that photo as a painting! I was really happy how lush and refreshing the colours were having been watered. I hear you about Starbucks, lets say no more! 😉 xx

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Another lovely post, Bron! 😌✨

This week has been a bit up and down, the weather can't really seem to settle. (This whole summer has actually been the soggiest in recent memory.☔) We're getting lots of spider sightings, and critters of all kinds actually are making their presence known.

The only real way I can tell autumn is on its way is when I see apples on trees around the neighborhood. They are small and green but quickly turning red. 🍎🍂So exciting! We are planning our annual apple picking excursion and I can't wait to drag my husband to the orchard! 😅

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Thank you Maribel, 🙏 I look forward to hearing about your apple picking and what you plan to make with them. Hopefully your husband can help to reach the better ones up high!! 😉☺️

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I love this cheery update and now I’ve remembered where I saw the Japanese micro seasons that I wanted to revisit. Thank you! 🙏💫

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I find the microseason descriptions absolutely enchanting and in the true spirit of living the here and now. Thank you Louise xx

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