Jul 11, 2023Liked by Bron Marshall

I’m now looking out for Horopito to add to my morning cuppa, I always start my day with ginger tea. Sometimes with fresh turmeric too. How timely too that just this week I’ve been thinking about my grandmothers baking, she was a farmers wife and every day there was both morning and afternoon tea. I have two of her teacups that I always chose as a child, for our weekly visits. I’ve been wondering if she had a recipe notebook and where it went.

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Ginger tea is one our whole family loves too, we often have it with Asian, especially Japanese style meals. It's gorgeously refreshing and light. Funny how there was always morning and afternoon teas, now I feel it's difficult enough to stop for 3 meals. I hope you can find your grandmother's recipe notes, I'm sure she would have kept one. They can be amazing treasure troves, time capsules with newspaper, magazine clippings, recipes from friends, gatherings quickly noted on all sorts of bits of paper. xx

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I love all things with fresh turmeric!! Love your photography and thanks for sharing the recipes, it all looks so yummy!

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Thank you so much, fresh turmeric is such a revelation after years of only knowing dried, stale powder. Thanks again! xx

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Mmm, Tiramisu is my favourite dessert, and this variation sounds intriguing!

My grandmother used to make this delicious apple pie with lemon juice in it - I remember watching her make the pastry and kneading the dough for what seemed like ages after my pathetic forearm muscles gave up. I was hoping to make it, or something similar, on Matariki with some of the apples left from my Monty’s Surprise tree, but we’ll see how we go 😊

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Tiramisù is a definite favourite of mine too, it's just so good, this one is surprisingly fresh tasting. Oh Monty's Surprise are really lovely and BIG apples, I hope you have someone who can help you make your grandmother's pie recipe. xx

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