Thank you for such a detailed, well-researched, and inspiring post! I always feel like my mindset has shifted into a better connection with the seasons after reading your writings. I especially liked all the te ao Māori information, and it makes me want to become more conscious and aware of the way things are changing in my garden and in the skies. This is a song which always makes me think of Beltane and dancing around a May pole: https://youtu.be/3zzwbYyvWiU?si=lQzGAsrjk7JBEIGZ

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Oh thank you!! 🥰 It does take a bit to pull these posts together and then the worst bit, choosing what to leave out!! 😂 There's always so much more to everything. I'm so very glad to hear it has helped you feel more connected to the season. I really do love researching the te ao Māori, I've learnt so much and am eager to know more, it feels more tangible if that makes sense.

Wow! That video was a hoot! Thank you so much for sharing and for your kind and generous words, it really means so much. xxx

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Wow! Thank you for all of this info! I love learning about hawthorn. My ancestors are always talking about it, but it doesn't grow where I live. I had no idea it had a death stink to it! Love it!

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Oh my pleasure Jenna, thank you so much for reading all the way through and for your comments always! Hawthorn blossom really has the most off-putting stench 😂rather sad as it's so pretty. Thanks again xx

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Sounds like you really experienced a severe weather event, but it’s good to hear you are okay!

Although it's autumn here, I've missed seeing the moon shine because of the overcast nights, but it's so nice to see the beautiful spring flowers blossom 🌸

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Yes it was pretty darn scary with the wind and we'll be clearing up the fallen trees for sometime unfortunately. Longer daylight hours means more time to enjoy other things too, the crescent moon has been stunning here the last two nights. Thank you Susan xx

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Bron Marshall

Oh and this music is one I’m loving lately. It does make me long to visit Venice though.

The album is “Venice : Infinitely Avantgarde” and it’s by Hanai Rani. For something more fun and sexy I’m loving Back on 74 by Jungle.

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Those are fantastic... thank you so much for sharing! Both new to me, I've been grooving along to "Back on 74" several times today. Hanai Rani's score is beautifully moving, I must watch the documentary. Have you been to Venice?

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Bron Marshall

I so want to watch the documentary too, yes I’ve been there once and adored it. I was lucky to go nearly 20yrs ago, it was a pivotal time in my life. Life started to change after that trip, I felt a part of me awakened.

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I'd so love to go! Anywhere in Italy to be honest, Florence, Sicily... sigh. How memorable for you, to have begun a new journey with a happier path xx

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Bron Marshall

Such a fascinating and hopeful read, thank you Bron. I’m feeling the rising energy is so strong that I’m needing to pace myself. I am still getting a surprising amount done relatively easily though.

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Thank you Katherine, I'm delighted you enjoyed reading it. I feel similar, the extra energy is definitely giving me a Spring in my step, even if the recent wind has made the "to do list" much, much longer! xx

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